Goal Getters || The Shoot & Share Contest
One of our goals for this year was to be more active in the photo community, both locally and nationally. So when the Shoot & Share Contest opened up in January, we decided to enter a few photos, just to put ourselves out there. It may not be a big deal to most, but there is something so vulnerable about putting yourself and your work out there to be judged... by literally thousands of people.
For those of you who don't know, this contest is an annual contest where photographers around the world enter their work to be judged anonymously, round robin style, where you vote for your favorite photo out of four repeatedly. This year Over 300,00 photos were entered. Our goal was just to get some sort of badge (they give these once you hit the top 30%), some sort of validation that we were heading in the right direction. During this contest, you have hardly any updates on how your photos are doing. You can't sit and watch the "likes" go up like you can with an Instagram post. It is literally just waiting. Waiting to get another email that says someone loves one of your photos, and waiting for it to be over with. Then we got it, the email that said we were a finalist, one of our photos had made it to the top 3%... top 3%... out of 300,000 photos
The official results have finally been released and we are so proud to say that we had FOUR finalist images! Plus we had a few make it to the top 20%-30%!

Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to vote and to our amazing clients for letting us tell their stories! We can't wait until next year and we already have set new goals for ourselves!