Capturing Creatives || Maggie Harless

We met Maggie Harless, the mastermind behind Simply Creative Wedding Stationary by Harless Printing , through our Charleston, WV Tuesday's Together group (This is a really cool gathering created by The Rising Tide Society geared towards making Creatives social and supportive of one another! Are you a Charleston area creative? We would love for you to join Us !). As soon as we met at the first gathering, something clicked and we knew instantly that the three of us were going to be friends. Little did we know at the time that Maggie would come to be our go to person for cardio (she teaches our local water aerobics class), our bridal show road trip companion, and one of our favorites to grab a bite of Mexican to eat and follow it up with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (I mean, we work it off at water aerobics :) ).
Another reason we love Maggie, she totally gets our LOVE of stationary. Maggie has grown up in her family's paper business from an early age. At age 7 she began contributing to the design team and started running the press at age 12. Maggie was kind enough to invite us to the shop to see her and her printing press in action! We spent the day at Harless Printing learning about the press, watching Maggie mix some ink, and digging through her HUGE box of samples and swatches. It was a paper lovers dream! As the tour was winding down, we asked Maggie why she loves designing wedding stationery and we think her answer is pretty perfect!
-"It puts my mind at ease. At some level, everyone has a vision of what they want their wedding to look like and I enjoy being the medium that helps couples convey their vision. You know when you see something that just speaks to you? Something that just makes your brain feel good? That's what I want to do and wedding stationery is my way of channeling that expression." - Maggie Harless
We have come to hold the upmost respect for this lady during our short time as friends and admire her strong opinions, her kind heart, and her amazing talent. As Creatives it is extremely important to surround yourself with people you can vibe with, people who can see your vision and enhance it. We are so glad that Maggie is part of our tribe.