"Our Baby" is One || Living with the Linger-Hunts || Personal

StartFragmentEvery once in a while something happens that strengthens a friendship. For Summer and I, this occurred when one of our good friends, Erica, had her baby. I should probably mention that she was my Matron of Honor for our wedding and our little buddy came almost 6 weeks early, arriving the week of our wedding. Needless to say, Erica missed the wedding, but something much more exciting happened. We got to meet Baby Adam (Ace)!
From day one, well day 2, because we were out of town on day 1, I have been obsessed with this bundle of joy. Getting to cuddle him in the hospital, being one of the first people to babysit him (other than his grandparents), stuffing him in pumpkins, and so much more have all been memories I will cherish for a lifetime. Summer and I have come to love him as our own, so much so that the running joke between us and his parents, Erica and Adam, is that he is "our baby-" meaning he has four parents. I am so happy that we get to watch Ace grow and even happier that we have been around to photograph him as he grows. I can't believe "our baby" turned one earlier this month! EndFragment
Settle in for a year's worth of cuteness!

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