ReTREAT Yo Self // akp SUNNY retreat
It was by chance and dumb luck Christie and I scored the last two spots at the akp SUNNY retreat in the OBX a few weeks ago!!

This wasn't my first learning experience with Ashton, I had previously attended a few different workshops in early 2015 and the RUSTIC retreat in Canaan Valley last August with a very intimate group of WV gals. It was such a cool experience, to be surrounded by so many people who were interested in the same things that I was. So when the original post for SUNNY was made, I was really bummed that I had missed out and almost instantly regretted not snagging a spot. So, when the opportunity arose to take on a last minute spot that would also allow me to take Christie I jumped right on it.

Even though this was not my first retreat, this was Christie's first AKP experience, and we knew that coming in as the only married couple (who were also AKP Brides!!), we would have to be on our A-Game. So, we packed up our gear, our cutest outfits, and hit the road. The Retreat itself was to run Friday afternoon to Monday afternoon, but not wanting to miss out on any sunrise opportunities, we drove through the night on Thursday to make sunrise on Friday morning. We had this crazy idea. We were going to celebrate 6 months of marital bliss by taking our wedding dresses to the beach and taking photos of each other! It seems so strange to us not to wear our dresses again. We had done it once before, and we fall more in love with them every time. So at 6:45am we got dressed and did our makeup at a rest stop, drove down to the pier and hit the beach, both dressed in huge puffy dresses. It was a beautiful morning but the sand was cold and the water was freezing, but we didn't care. We were there to celebrate our life and love and we did it (mostly) without complaint.

After a long nights drive, playing on the beach for a bit, and breakfast at a local grits joint, it was finally time to find our way to the Crawford Cottage. I am still not sure how they made a huge 30 person cottage feel cozy and homey. In true AKP style there were little touches of pink and gold added throughout and inflatable donuts in the pool. We were warmly welcomed and instantly started chatting with other attendees before heading to our room for some downtime. Once we were settled in, we headed to the beach for head shot swaps, mingled in the enormous living space in the main house, and attended a surprise bridal shower for one of the attendees getting married during the retreat. By the end of the first night, we were on 34 hours of no sleep, but still hated to go to bed because there was so much to take in.

Over the next few days, we soaked up every opportunity we could. We listened and took notes during the mentor chats. The inspirational speaker line up featuring Amanda Hedgepeth, Courtney Jones, and the lovely Ashton Kelley herself, reminded us to hone in on some key aspects we have been struggling with: work and life balance, authenticity in the social media age, and re-branding.
We also found out how big of troopers we are when it comes to getting the photographs we want to take. The retreat not only put on a beautifully styled Little Mermaid inspired session, but the AKP team was also able to pull off a LIVE wedding for one the attendees! On both of these days there was freezing sand, wind beyond belief, and on occasions even rain. But that didn't stop us. The AKP team adapted to the circumstances and we went with the flow right along with them. It was a good reminder that the show must go on and that if you want to take once in a lifetime photographs you put on your big girl panties, or tights and cardigans, and face whatever is thrown your way.
Knowing us, you know we didn't just go to lectures, and shoot all day. We took the given down times to mingle and learn from our fellow attendees. There were stories shared while relaxing in a hot-tub, there were late night uncontrollable giggles while having snacks and chats in the kitchen, and there were moments where we took time to learn new techniques from attendees and share some of our knowledge with them as well.

From arrival to dismissal, no detail was not thought of. Head-shot swaps, catered meals, giveaways (I won the Flat Style contest!), and swag for daaayyysss. This was a magical weekend where not only were we able to learn and shoot with wonderful mentors, but we got to bond with creatives and learn from them as well. And that is what it is about. Making those life long connections. It also doesn't hurt that we got like a million new photos of ourselves... I am truly thankful that this retreat gave us the tools we needed to be able to grow in our business and in our love, for each other and our creativity.